Wednesday 19 September 2012

A new phase of care.....

Today was a difficult day. We found out that the tumours are growing very actively, based on last week's CT scan. It confirmed what I was feeling as my body continues to morph completely out of proportion.

The Sarcoma team believe it is time to come off the chemotherapy treatment. They also believe that further treatment may have more costs than benefits to my system which is no longer as robust. We will consider some options, but I need all of you to know all aspects under consideration are palliative from now on.

Pain managent and wellbeing will be our focus. Trust me, this is a big deal as I am beginning to be quite sore a lot of the time. The medication tends to make me quite vague and drowsy.

I am down but not out and at peace with this whole thing. Thanks to you all for continuing to travel this road with me!

Love Your Life,

Friday 7 September 2012

Cycle 4 underway

Hi Folks,
It's high time for an update. I have had the next lot of chemo a week ago and I am feeling OK. My pain meds have been slightly adjusted so I am feeling quite drowsy at the moment.

A big week is coming up with a CT scan on Wednesday 12 Sept. It could be a test that either keeps me on or takes me off treatment. The Dr is definitely concerned that I will probably start experiencing complications in the near future. The tumours are so large that the pressure on other organs makes this inevitable. The follow-up appointment for this will be on 19 Sept to get the verdict. 

As I walk/shuffle around, I also know that I am doing relatively well as far as mobility is concened. I need assistance some of the time, and going out shopping is definitely fun when I can do it. Last week, we used a wheel chair to get more mileage out of our trip.  I still use the walker most of the time, but can't go as far with it.

The lymphatic massages are definitely still helping to shift things around and are aslo helping with toxicity levels. I will stick to having these for sure!

I am feeling OK in general, just needing a bit more support at home with practical, hands-on jobs. Thanks to the sisters and Sarah for the constant help.

Cheers to Cousin Mary-Jo for her special visit to Melbourne!

Love your Life,