Monday 30 January 2012

CT Results 31 January

Hi folks,
This is just a quick update on my post-chemo trial CT scan from 24 January.

The analysis of the scan is that there are no new lesions and that the tumours have remained stable since chemotherapy ended 9 weeks ago (Nov 2011). This is a minor miracle and for this we are truly grateful!

However, one tumour has slightly increased and is located on the left side of my abdomen. Radiologists need to clarify recess critieria to ensure that the increase is under 30 percent growth. The specialist will obtain clarification on this and my next appointment is in two weeks 15 Feb). This will provide me with a definitive comparison and probably confirm the "STABLE" rating. If growth of this one tumour is above 30 percent , a treatment regime will be discussed.

I am back at work and enjoying the distraction!

Thanks to all blog followers for your encouragement.

Love Your Life,

Saturday 21 January 2012

Good times since chemo in November

Happy New Year to all,

It has been 2 months since my last round of chemotherapy and I am feeling well. I still have some side-effects occuring so I am pleased to have had this break from treatment.

Since the last day of chemo in November 2011, I have made sure I have done what was in my heart to do. I went to the kd Lang concert in Melbourne and had a fantastic view of the stage. It was a great night out!

I returned to work on 1 December 2011 and felt more like myself than I had for a long, long time!

I had a fantastic Christmas Day with all my family members - all 29 of us; with lots of noise, fun and food!

We travelled in the 'leap of faith', across Victoria and landed in Robe South Australia and had a lovely, sun-filled beach getaway for 6 days in early January 2012.

I had a wonderful day out at the Australian Tennis Open in Hisense Arena for some of the Round 2 matches.

I have caught up with family and friends and have had great wine and food throughout January, gaining a little weight along the way (side-effect unrelated to chemotherapy....)

However, I am now getting a little twitchy about the CT scan sceduled for 24 January. These tests always make me feel exposed, vulnerable and more emotional than usual. Prior to Chemotherapy last year, the tumours had grown fairly rapidly post-operation so I am apprehensive about the possibilities. I accept that this is beyond my control but I don't feel equipped for a bad result. One day at a time, we shall see...

I will also return to work on 25 January and report back to Peter Mac Hospital for an analysis of the CT results on 31 January. I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime, enjoy some pics from me, taken since chemo ended.

Lots of Love,

kd at Myer Music Bowl
First day on beach at Robe

Walking around Beachport (near Robe)

With sisters cruising around at the tennis

Hisense Arena watching No.1 Women's player

G posing again

Outdoor bar at the Australian Tennis Open